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All willy nilly

Has a week slipped by with out me posting?! I guess it has. Let me attribute that to a dose of flu like symptoms and the turmoil of the last month catching up with me physically. I am thankful though, to have a few days to rest and take it easy. I didn't mind plopping my sniffling self down on the couch while Julian naps to read East of Eden for a few days, or hearing my husband tell me to rest, that will never get old! A few other things happened this week, like my dear one's 35th birthday! I only got to knitting him one sock...the other is on the needles, he was not surprised. We had some lentil soup and lamb samosas with friends, followed by a very manly and seriously minimalist but equally delicious chocolate cake. Julian said "Choco lot" for the first time, he is more like me that I realized, and has learned to put his cup IN the sink when he is finished with it. This is a major accomplishment, considering he kept misunderstanding me and putting in the trash bin at first. We also conquered his fear of the toilet monster, he will actually sit on it! There is no potty business going on, just sitting, and reading his new favorite (although we have had it since he was born) book, Sushi for Babies. I think its pretty funny that he wants to read about sushi while sitting on the potty. Oh! And, this is perhaps selfish of me to be excited about, but he is following directions so well these days, I can actually send him in to fetch a rouge knitting needle or ball of yarn from under the couch! What a blessing indeed. 

How has your week been? 
Thanks for reading, 


  1. This week has been slow, slow, slow! We're all recovering from aches/pains/infections too... Makes it hard to leave the bed (or even couch for that matter!) glad you're all feeling better, and the birthday celebration sounds so sweet! :-)

  2. So Happy that Julian is warming up to the toilet monster! I keep thinking of the look who's talking movie. That book is really cute! We're also entering the stage where Olive likes to do most of what we ask. Lots of fun. Last but not least, Happy belated birthday to X!

    1. I know, that sushi book is so cute, I want to get him the one with mexican food too, maybe for his birthday!
