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Birthday Wishes

It's funny how your tastes, wants and birthday wishes change with age. I will be 23 this month. 
23. I know that is not very old, but its the oldest Ive ever been. 

Special, hand made and pretty things: 

Im not sure if we will have a party this year. Maybe a few friends out to the Ethiopian place I love, off of the red line, maybe just Xavier and I at a nicer place we have never tried before. Or, maybe a nice dinner at home, with something special, Xavier makes a mean seafood paella. The day will probably include coffee, yarn and maybe some cake. 

cheers for birthdays! 


  1. what a lovely list of birthday wishes. I turned 23 a month or two ago and I have to say its satisfying, the most satisfying age I've been yet.

    1. thank you! I have a couple days still...but Im glad to be a momma at this age, and be married and living in such an awesome city. Bring it on 23!

  2. Happy birthday! I adore all of these things very much :) & I just love your blog!!!

    1. Thank you so much! Im glad you like my little space!

  3. happy birthday to you! & i love your list. all of it. i hope your day is wonderful, whatever you decide to do! ♥
